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How we process your data

Data Protection Policy

This Data Protection Policy informs users about the type, scope, and purpose of the processing and use of personal data by the responsible party Sebastian Schäfer, Alexianerstraße 12, 50676 Cologne; on this website (hereinafter referred to as "offer").

The legal basis for data protection can be found in the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG).


Access Data / Server Log Files

The provider (or its web space provider) collects data about every access to the website (so-called server log files). The access data includes:

Name of the website accessed, file, date and time of access, amount of data transferred, notification of successful access, browser type and version, the user's operating system, referrer URL (the previously visited page), IP address and the requesting provider.

The provider uses the log data only for statistical evaluations for the purpose of operation, security and optimization of the offer. However, the provider reserves the right to check the log data retrospectively if there is a justified suspicion of unlawful use based on concrete evidence.

Collection of Contact Data

When contacting the provider of the contact data (e.g. via contact form or e-mail), the user's details are stored for the purpose of processing the inquiry and also in the event that follow-up questions arise.

Integration of Third-Party Services and Content

It may happen that third-party content, such as videos from YouTube, maps from Google Maps, RSS feeds or graphics from other websites are integrated into this online offer. This always assumes that the provider(s) of this content (hereinafter referred to as "third-party providers") are aware of the user's IP address. This is because without the IP address, they would not be able to send the content to the respective user's browser. The IP address is therefore required to display this content. We seek to only utilize content whose respective providers only use the IP address to deliver the content. However, we have no influence on whether the third-party providers store the IP address, e.g. for statistical purposes. Insofar as we are aware of this, we will inform users accordingly.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files which are stored on the user's computer and which enable the use of the website to be analyzed. The information generated by the cookie about the use of this website by users is usually transmitted to a Google server in the United States and is stored there.

However, if IP anonymization is activated on this website, Google will truncate the IP address of users within member states of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area beforehand. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. IP anonymization is active on this website. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate the use of the website by users, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website operator.

The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. Users may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on their browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. Users can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to their use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available using the following link.

As an alternative to the browser add-on or within browsers on mobile devices, please click this link to prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on this website in the future. An opt-out cookie will be stored on your device. If you delete your cookies, you must click this link again. Revocation, changes, corrections and updates.

The user has the right, upon request and free of charge, to receive information about the personal data that has been stored about them. In addition, the user has the right to correct incorrect data, block and delete their personal data, insofar as this does not conflict with any legal obligation to retain data.


This website uses HubSpot, a software from HubSpot Inc, 25 First St, 2nd Floor Cambridge, MA 02141 USA ("HubSpot"). HubSpot is used for the purpose of inbound marketing. Inbound marketing focuses on the creation of high-quality content for website visitors to made2GROW also uses HubSpot to generate usage statistics using pseudonyms. In addition, personal and voluntary information entered in the existing forms - on the website - is recorded in Hubspot's system and assigned to users. Information entered by you (email addresses, telephone number, name and company name) is temporarily stored for the purpose of further processing. This information enables further user analyses to be assigned to the individual visitor. The resulting data and other voluntary information are subject to the purpose of service provision and are stored. If you download the newsletter or a document as a result of your website visit, this activity is also made visible to made2GROW in Hubspot. A possible registration for the future receipt of a newsletter takes place via a double opt-in procedure, which is processed via a HubSpot form. Unsubscribing from the newsletter is also carried out using a double opt-out procedure, which requires a further confirmation in a subsequent unsubscribe confirmation in addition to the unsubscribe in the newsletter received.

During your visit to the made2GROW website, cookies are set by HubSpot, which are requested once and require the collection of data. You are free to accept or reject the cookies that are set. In the event of cookie acceptance or rejection, you will be given full access to the website in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. If you do not wish to be recorded by the HubSpot usage statistics, you can object to this use, e.g. by preventing the installation of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly.You can find the HubSpot Privacy Policy here.

Involve Me

We use the involve. me service from stereosense GmbH, Margaretenstraße 29/7, 1040 Vienna, for lead generation. The service processes connection logs, which are essentially logs of each request to each application. These connection logs may contain information such as the web request, Internet Protocol ("IP") address, browser type, referring/exit pages and URLs, number of clicks, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed and other such information. It is our legitimate interest to carry out direct marketing measures, so that the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR.

Visual Website Optimizer

made2GROW uses "Visual Website Optimizer" for web analysis, which is used to measure and analyze visits to the website. You can configure your browser so that the acceptance of cookies and selected scripts is refused in principle or you are informed in advance when a cookie is stored or a script is executed. Further information on this can be found in the operating instructions for your Internet browser and the relevant extensions (plug-ins). Please note that if cookies and scripts are deactivated, it may not be possible to display the website correctly and/or its functions may be restricted. In addition to the browser settings, you can object to the collection and use of non-personal data by "Visual Website Optimizer" with effect for the future by setting an opt-out cookie in your browser. More information is located here.


We offer you our newsletter as an additional service. We use the list provider MailChimp to send our newsletter. MailChimp is a service provided by The Rocket Science Group, LLC, 512 Means Street, Suite 404, Atlanta, GA 30318 ("Rocket"). Rocket signed the so-called "Safe Harbor Agreement" on July 22, 2008, which is a data protection agreement between the European Union and the United States.

The data stored during registration is transmitted to Rocket and stored by Rocket. The data entered during registration will not be transmitted to other third parties. After registration, MailChimp will send you an email to confirm your registration. Furthermore, MailChimp offers various analysis options about how the sent newsletters are opened and used, e.g. to how many users an email was sent, whether emails were rejected and whether users unsubscribed from the list after receiving an email. However, these analyses are only group-related and are not used by us for individual evaluation. MailChimp also uses the Google Analytics analysis tool from Google, Inc. and may incorporate it into the newsletter. Further details on Google Analytics can be found in this privacy policy under "Google Analytics".Further information on data protection at MailChimp can be found at:


We use Hotjar to better understand the needs of our users and to optimize the offer on this website. Hotjar's technology gives us a better understanding of our users' experiences (e.g. how much time users spend on which pages, which links they click on, what they like and dislike, etc.) and this helps us to tailor our offering to our users' feedback. Hotjar works with cookies and other technologies to collect information about the behavior of our users and their devices (in particular IP address of the device (only collected and stored in anonymized form), screen size, device type (Unique Device Identifiers), information about the browser used, location (country only), preferred language for displaying our website). Hotjar stores this information in a pseudonymized user profile. The information is not used by Hotjar or by us to identify individual users or merged with other data about individual users. Further information can be found in Hotjar's privacy policy hier.

LinkedIn Website Retargeting (LinkedIn Corporation)

LinkedIn Website Retargeting is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by LinkedIn Corporation that connects activity on this website to the LinkedIn advertising network. Further information about LinkedIn's Cookie Policy can be found here.


We use technologies from the provider Facebook (Facebook 1601 Willow Road Menlo Park, CA 94025). We use the technology to improve our offers and to place advertisements for relevant target groups. The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interest). The provider's privacy policy can be found here. The provider has acceded to the Privacy Shield Agreement. This agreement constitutes a guarantee pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR.( You can object to the use of cookies for reach measurement and advertising purposes via the deactivation page of the network advertising initiative ( and also the European website ( We process user interests and IT usage data such as (e.g. IP addresses, page views, mouse clicks) with this technology.

Microsoft Bing Ads

We use conversion tracking from Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA on our website. Microsoft Bing Ads stores a cookie on your computer if you have reached our website via a Microsoft Bing ad. In this way, Microsoft Bing and we can recognize that someone has clicked on an ad, has been redirected to our website and has reached a predetermined target page (conversion page). We only learn the total number of users who clicked on a Bing ad and were then redirected to the conversion page. No personal information about the identity of the user is disclosed.

If you do not want information about your behavior to be used by Microsoft as explained above, you can refuse the setting of a cookie required for this - for example, by setting your browser to generally deactivate the automatic setting of cookies. You can also prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website and the processing of this data by Microsoft by clicking on following link. Declaring your objection, or to find further information on data protection and the cookies used by Microsoft and Bing Ads, visit the Microsoft website here.

Active Campaign

This website uses the services of Active Campaign to send newsletters. The provider is the US provider ActiveCampaign, LLC, 150 N. Michigan Ave Suite 1230, Chicago, IL, US, USA.

Active Campaign is a service with which, among other things, the sending of newsletters can be organized and analyzed. If you enter data for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter (e.g. e-mail address), this data is stored on Active Campaign's servers in the USA.

Active Campaign is certified in accordance with the "EU-US Privacy Shield". The "Privacy Shield" is an agreement between the European Union (EU) and the USA that is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards in the USA.

With the help of Active Campaign, we can analyze our newsletter campaigns. When you open an email sent with Active Campaign, a file contained in the email (known as a web beacon) connects to Active Campaign's servers in the USA. This makes it possible to determine whether a newsletter message has been opened and which links, if any, have been clicked on. Technical information is also collected (e.g. time of access, IP address, browser type and operating system). This information cannot be assigned to the respective newsletter recipient. It is used exclusively for the statistical analysis of newsletter campaigns. The results of these analyses can be used to better adapt future newsletters to the interests of the recipients.

If you do not wish to be analyzed by Active Campaign, you must unsubscribe from the newsletter. We provide a link for this purpose in every newsletter message. You can also unsubscribe from the newsletter directly on the website.

The data processing takes place on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR). You can revoke this consent at any time by unsubscribing from the newsletter. The legality of the data processing operations that have already taken place remains unaffected by the revocation.

The data you provide us with for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter will be stored by us until you unsubscribe from the newsletter and deleted from both our servers and the servers of Active Campaign after you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Data stored by us for other purposes (e.g. e-mail addresses for the member area) remain unaffected by this.

For more information, please refer to Active Campaign's privacy policy here.

Link to the Privacy Shield Certificate.