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Utilize Our HubSpot Expertise and Save Time

HubSpot Retainer -
Your external CRM management

Flexible models for all possible tasks in and around HubSpot as individual as your challenges and with no unpleasant surprises later on with your invoice.

We help you get the most out of your CRM to achieve long-term success with HubSpot.

Project Management 2

From the status quo to a HubSpot that brings joy

HubSpot Retainer project process

When we manage our clients' HubSpot portals, we do not blindly implement it and do not veer away from the original project request. First, we analyze the status quo, set strategically sensible goals together, prioritize individual tasks, and agree on a realistic timeline.

HubSpot Checkup

Free HubSpot Checkup

With our free Checkup we analyze the status quo of your settings and use of HubSpot. As a result, you will receive a slide deck with a practical traffic light scale as an initial assessment - free of charge and without obligation.


→ Request now


Kickoff Workshop

At the start of a HubSpot retainer, we usually organize a workshop to better understand internal processes and challenges and to identify potential for optimization.


Operational support

Here we act like an internal CRM manager: we pursue the jointly set long-term goals and optimize the portal on an ongoing basis. At the same time, we react flexibly to new challenges & campaigns as soon as they arise.


Regular status calls

We generally do not want to create dependencies - neither technically nor by hoarding knowledge. Our regular status calls are therefore not just for project management on the Kanban board, but above all for knowledge transfer.

We speak HubSpot fluently

Examples of possible services in the HubSpot Retainer

We certainly can't do everything, but when it comes to HubSpot, nobody can fool us so quickly: We have very broad expertise and years of experience as an official HubSpot Platinum Partner. Whether complex process automation via workflows, optimization of HubSpot CMS websites or coaching by one of the few German-speaking official HubSpot trainers - our retainers can be used for almost all HubSpot-related tasks.

SEO Optimize Icon 3 Gelb

Properties & Customize views

Which team needs which information? How can this be structured sensibly in which property type? And in particular: How do we ensure that this data is recorded reliably?

Time is Money Icon 2 Gelb

Set up workflows & sequences

Which recurring processes can be usefully automated? What kind of communication occurs again and again? Can certain properties be automatically derived from activities?

Web Design Icon 1 Gelb

Optimize websites, landing pages & blogs

How is the current page being used and how can we optimize the conversion? Are there any useful A/B tests? Which content should be strategically supplemented?

Feedback 4 Gelb

Hold coaching & onboarding sessions

Has a team been expanded? Are there any unknown or completely new features in HubSpot? How can teams be supported in their daily work with intelligent instructions?

Compound Interest Icon 2 Gelb

Build reports & dashboards

What data is available and how can we improve the quality? Is the tracking working as expected? What are the most important KPIs and how are they developing?

Discount Icon 4 Gelb

Design marketing emails & campaigns

How do we generate more and, above all, higher quality leads? How can lead nurturing be optimized to turn loose interest into a willingness to buy?

Security 1 Gelb

Import data & Connect tools

Is HubSpot already a reliable single source of truth or are there other data pools? Which tools can be connected to HubSpot via native integrations, third-party providers or custom code workflows?

Web Design Planning 1 Gelb

AI-powered content creation

How do we create high quality content with limited resources that appeals to both our audience and the search engine? What additional topics should we focus on in terms of SEO?

Know what's on the invoice beforehand

HubSpot retainer models

With our HubSpot retainers, a clearly defined time quota is billed monthly. This means that the invoice amount always remains the same and there are no nasty surprises. At the same time, we plan in a certain buffer so that some of the time can be brought forward or made up in order to be able to react flexibly to new developments.

Maintenance package

150 € / month

Our smallest package for all those who would like to discuss individual questions with our HubSpot professionals once a month.

  • One 45-minute meeting per month
  • Know-how transfer for individual HubSpot challenges
  • Bugfix & operational support in the meeting
  • Custom Marketing Plan

Planning security

from €1000 / month & day

Our most popular retainer for long-term collaboration from 6 months.

  • Fixed term without automatic extension
  • Increase possible in the following month
  • Individual operational support
  • Accompanied by status calls for project management & know-how transfer


from 1200 € / month & day

Our most flexible retainer - with no minimum term and adjustable on a monthly basis.


  • Automatic monthly renewal
  • Adjustment & termination possible to the following month
  • Individual operational support
  • Accompanied by status calls for project management & know-how transfer

Why made2GROW

Benefit from our HubSpot experience

  • Longstanding HubSpot Platinum Partner
  • 5-star rating in the HubSpot provider directory
  • Host of the official HubSpot User Group Cologne
  • One of the few German-speaking HubSpot Certified Trainers
  • We teach at the HubSpot Academy
  • Specialized in the DACH market and GDPR compliance
Sebastian Schäfer made2GROW

Still not sure if
HubSpot is for you?

Get in touch with us for an initial non-binding conversation and we'll see together how you can gain new leads with HubSpot in the long term. In person in Cologne or digitally!

Thanks to our many years of experience as a HubSpot agency in many small and large projects, we know which solution is right for your company. Book an appointment for a no-obligation discovery call and we'll see together whether and how you can become successful with HubSpot 🤓